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A La Huguenotte
A La Huguenotte
by The Perfect Captain
Player Count
  • Wargame
  • Expansion for Base-game
  • Pike and Shot
  • Family
  • Spanish Fury
  • History: French Wars of Religion
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Players: Two Players Only Wargames
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A La Huguenotte is bringing the campaigning of Tinker Fox to the continent, and with it some "feel" that is different for the English Civil War. There are more and varied troop types; rules governing Foreign Volunteers and Mercenaries, and a new way of looking at the countryside, enabling players to lay a groundwork of operations before the game begins through "Affiliation Points".

    Like Tinker Fox, players take the role of Governor or Generalissimo of a region. They must plot their campaign to grab key towns and districts to create a strong base, while keeping their enemies from doing the same. Scenarios can vary victory conditions, like having to raise troops for the main army far away or to knock out a specific town. How to do it is up to you.... slipping a garrison commander some cash to lower a rope over the walls, or blow through them suddenly with a petard when everyone's asleep. Cut a swath through enemy territory, burning and pillaging, or lay siege to his capitol!

    Build your own campaign for anything going in Western Europe! Scenarios could easily be made for any of the local fighting between Huguenots and Royalists, or when Henry of Navarre becomes King, between the Royalists and the League. Other fertile areas would be the Netherlands between Spanish and Dutch forces, or after the Pacification of Ghent, Spanish versus Flemings and Walloons. With some slight backdating you could wow your friends with a campaign from the Schmalkaldic Wars! I can also see how this would work for border warfare in the Balkans between Imperial and Turkish forces, or in Livonia between Swedes and Poles! Supplements are fun and easy to produce...

    Includes THREE HISTORICAL SCENARIOS, three separate campaign games, one set in the Netherlands and two in France, each with the actual leaders present, one including the King of Navarre himself, Henry IV.

    Engagements are resolved using 'Spanish Fury, Actions!' rules or 'Duel' for when your two favorite officers meet on the field.

    —description from the publisher

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