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Autumn Ants
Autumn Ants
by (Self-Published)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 2 hours
  • Animals
  • Designers
  • Ethan Malay
  • Anthony Diaferio
  • Emma Malay
  • Artists
  • Devon Malay
  • Family
  • Animals: Ants
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The ants scurry through the grass as the summer sun shines down. Suddenly, a leaf comes crashing down amidst the hustle and the bustle. The ants stare in disbelief, for they know what that means.

    Winter is coming.

    With a wary glance, the ants retreat to their respective clans. The fast approach of winter means food must be gathered, and as every ant knows, the clan that gathers the most food holds all the power in the Colony. The race is on! Who will come out on top before the chill of winter sets in?

    Autumn Ants is a game where 2 to 4 players take control of a clan of ants competing for control of their Colony. Using a system of dice selection, players will explore the unknown meadow, gather seeds, build dirt walls to hold back their competitors, and maybe even build shrines to gain the blessings of their Ant-cestors! Hurry though, since winter comes sooner than any ant would like...

    In Autumn Ants, players move their ant pawns around a randomly generated world, growing their ant colony to try to out compete their fellow players. Each round, dice are rolled and each player will select one die. This die will decide both turn order and a special action that can be used that round. The player with the most food tokens brought back to their ant hill at game end will be the winner!

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