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B.A.P.U.C. (Beer and Pretzels Urban Combat)
B.A.P.U.C. (Beer and Pretzels Urban Combat)
by (Self-Published) (1983)
Player Count
2 to 4

Playing Time
15 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Wargame
  • Modern Warfare
  • Designers
  • John R. "Buck" Surdu
  • Mechanisms
  • Campaign / Battle Card Driven
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Beer and Pretzels Urban Combat (B.A.P.U.C.) is a simple, fast-playing skirmish war game using modern small arms in a hypothetical future of civilian urban warfare, using a card based turn sequence. Players agree on the size of each army made up of urban guerillas (typical scenario calls for any guerilla troop of five to eleven guerillas, though enough tokens are available to field 18 guerillas per side). Players also agree on weapon equipment ranging from pistols to machine guns and grenade launchers. Using a shuffled deck of standard playing cards, turns are determined by the draw of the cards – red cards allow the red force to move, while black cards allow the blue force to move.
    Combat is based on the individual guerilla with a health of four points each.
    Optional rules include Personalized Guerilla leaders, each with their own special rules.
    Six scenarios are provided with the game, each with their own victory condition and rules for the scenario. One of the scenarios is designed for four players, while the largest scenario (22 guerillas in combat) plays in about 30 minutes.

    Rules are only five pages long and includes double-sides reference chart for weapons and movement effects, two additional pages of optional rules, a diagram illustrating valid attacks, and a sheet containing the six scenarios. The game comes with a preprinted hex-based game map and an uncut token sheet for fire effects and guerillas for both red and blue forces.

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