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Classic F1
Classic F1
by (Self-Published), ASG (2010)
Player Count
1 to 26

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 3 hours
  • Sports
  • Designers
  • Anthony Apostolico
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Simulation
  • Dice Rolling
  • STR-04 Solo Game
  • Family
  • Sports: Auto Racing
  • Rating: 9/10 from 1 users


    Classic F1 is a lap by lap reproduction of Formula One auto racing. The game comes with all 33 Formula One champs, as well as all the active drivers from 2019. Every year, car, and constructor for each driver is represented individually and normalized across the history of the sport so you can match, for example, Fangio, Stewart, Senna or Hamilton head-to-head in any car they drove during their careers.
    Additional drivers are also available by decade, including a pre-1950s set including such greats as Nuvolari, Rosemeyer and Wimille.

    Each driver card has ratings for speed & tactics, qualifying, fastest laps, passing, defending, ability in the rain, accidents and potential mechanical issues, to name but a few. Speedy drivers who excel on fast tracks will do the same here, while tacticians will show their worth on hard to pass tracks like Monaco. Drivers prone to accidents will have more issues than others and cars prone to breaking down with mechanical issues will have difficulty finishing a race.

    Each of the tracks from 2019 are represented their own chart which will determine the events during the race based on a die roll. These results may require further checks to the track chart or examining one or more driver ratings for the track action over one or more laps. Tracks that favor a fast driver will do so, while tracks that test a car’s endurance will have more mechanical checks. Each track has its own historic weather check. The ability to pass on the various tracks is represented as well; tracks like Hungaroring will have few passing opportunities, while Monza will have more chances. Some tracks also give the driver the option for a one or two stop pit strategy. No two tracks are alike and the Track Set 2 provides an additional 20 classic circuits including Bremgarten, Detroit, Mt. Tremblant and the daunting Nurburgring "Nordschleife."

    Every aspect of F1 is here - driver, car & circuit variety, qualifying, the chaos of lap one, accidents, safety cars and breakdowns. Qualifying takes about a half hour to run; a race can be run in roughly an hour and a half. There is some basic math involved, as you do not move on a track but rather, calculate the number of “spaces moved” for each car/driver, based on the results of a die roll, cross-referenced against the specific race track used as well as the driver/car ratings. The positions after each turn represent a certain amount of time behind the leader and after a pre-determined number of laps have been completed the driver in the lead wins the race. The broad range of random and not-so-random results make no two races the same.

    There has never been as detailed a representation of the sport’s history as this game offers.

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