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Dice of the Undead
Dice of the Undead
by (Web published) (2010)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour
  • Dice
  • Horror
  • Print & Play
  • Zombies
  • Designers
  • Raoul Schaupp
  • Mechanisms
  • Modular Board
  • Dice Rolling
  • Press Your Luck
  • Artists
  • Raoul Schaupp
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    In a zombie infected world, a doctor has found a immunization against the zombie virus. You, a leader of a zombie horde, are not happy to hear about the near end of spreading your virus over the human race. After you and your zombie troops reach the old mansion, in which the doctor and a force of soldiers are barricaded, a race begin in which the different leaders of the zombies try to reach and eat the doctor before he can escape.

    Dice of the Undead is a satiric Zombie-Dice-Game for 2-4 players.
    Each player has:
    - 6x d6 (3 black and 3 white dice) to gain new zombies, eat brains and generate hunger.
    - 1x d4 as a pawn and to mark the hunger of your zombie crowd.
    - 2x d10 to mark the amount of your zombies
    and there is an additional d8 as an turn counter, a event deck, a ability deck and a modular game board.

    Each turn has 6 phases:
    1. Select a starting player and increase the turn counter
    The player with the fewest zombies is becoming the starting player and he increases the turn counter.
    2. Rotate the roof
    The starting player change the position of the human shooters on the second floor by turning the roof marker.
    3. Roll the dice
    Each player rolls simultaneously his six d6s. In the first throw, each player must take out at least 1 die. In the second throw, each player must take out at least 2 dice, etc.
    4. Final tally
    Each player recruits new zombies, receives a greater hunger (movement points) and eat brains (receive event cards or gain new abilities) according to their final tally
    5. Movement
    Each player can move their zombies according to their actual hunger value (greater hunger -> faster movement).
    6. Casualties
    The humans shoot at the zombie crowds and the player has to reduce their amount of undeads.

    The winner is the player whose zombie horde first reaches the second floor and eats the doctor.

    First, this game was designed as a re-theme of D-Day Dice, but over the time (design started May 2010) the gameplay evolves so much that Dice of the Undead can be seen as an independent game. Only the dice rolling and the target to reach a specific space on the map are the same.

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