
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by (Self-Published) (2013)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour to 3 hours
  • Economic
  • Environmental
  • Industry / Manufacturing
  • Educational
  • Mechanisms
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Events
  • Income
  • Ownership
  • Family
  • Digital Implementations: Tabletopia
  • Rating: 9/10 from 2 users


    You run an extractive company, and you need to earn a profit from extracting minerals and oil – that’s business! But it is obvious that all big factories are harmful for natural environment. So, you should manage your income wisely: part of the money should be used to protect and restore the environment. Can you have a successful business and be a sustainable user of natural resources? And what is more important – money or environment? For different players the answer to the question will be different.

    Ecologic will help you model various development scenarios where you must balance environmental and economic concerns – the key factors of development. The game has a “cumulative effect”: after playing it several times you will start understanding how to achieve sustainable and balanced development. Later you will learn to see several moves ahead and think strategically.

    Each player (or team) runs a mining company, and the more oil pumps and mineral mines they have on the board, the higher their income. However, every Oil and Mineral Refinery damages the environment and reduces player's Enviro total. There are two indicators in the game: Profits as abstract money and Enviros as the environmental well-being estimation.

    In Ecologic the ratio and balance between these strongly influences the final score. The more balanced the two indicators are by the end of the game, the higher the victory score.

    • The game consists of turns; each turn has four consequent phases: Event, Action, Environment, Income.
    • Random Events add unpredictability to the game with each turn.
    • All purchases are done via bidding on an auction. The highest bidder gets the goods - just like in real life business!
    • Tally up your Profit and Enviro balance every turn, and avoid having to shut down your refineries.

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