
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Game Changer
Game Changer
by (Self-Published) (2023)
Player Count
2 to 7

Player Ages
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Dice
  • Economic
  • Bluffing
  • Action / Dexterity
  • Game System
  • Designers
  • Julian Stewart
  • Mechanisms
  • Cooperative Play
  • Dice Rolling
  • ACT-02 Action Drafting
  • End Game Bonuses
  • ECO-03 Market
  • Deduction
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Game Changer is a collection of 15 types of board games designed as an introduction box to modern board games.

    Descriptions of the games:

    The Action Game:
    Summary: Are your reactions fast enough to be the first to snap on cards? Players take turns placing cards on the table as they race to ‘snap’ on all the correct cards. Similar to the classic game of snap. The game is played in rounds where players compete to be the first to fulfill a customer’s order (3 resource items).

    Objective: Be the first player to snap on all the items that each customer wants in order to collect the active customer card. The first player to collect 3 customer cards wins the game!

    The Abstract Game:
    Summary: This game is like chess for the modern era. Two players sit on either side of the board and move Player Tokens across. Unlike chess, the board’s tiles dictate how the Player Tokens can be moved, not the Player Tokens.

    Objective: Win by being the first player to move all 3 of your Player Tokens to the opposite side of the board.

    The Bidding Game:
    Summary: Players are at an auction each with the same amount of money. Can you outsmart your opponents by spending the least to gain the most? The game consists of 10 auctions where players bid on resources, aiming to have the most points at the end of the game.

    Objective: Win by having the most points at the end of the game (after 10 auctions).

    The Bluffing Game:
    Summary: Can you lie without getting caught? Can you tell when others are lying? Each player starts with 5 coins and one animal card, each with its own special ability to earn or remove coins. Players can choose to lie or tell the truth about which animal card they have in order to earn or remove coins from other players.

    Objective: Win by being the last player remaining with coins. This is a game of elimination.

    The Co-op Game:
    Summary: Players must work as a team to find and arrest the 2 Diamond thieves while protecting the innocent bystanders. To do this, each player must choose a card from their hand and perform the actions stated on the card. Winning will take real teamwork.

    Objective: When both Diamond thieves are arrested everyone wins, but when 2 innocent bystanders are arrested everyone loses!

    The Dice Game:
    Summary: Seven animals race around a track while all players watch and bet, aiming to earn the most money by the end of the game. There are multiple ways of earning money including betting on the winners/losers or buying land (like Monopoly) that earns money when animals land on them.

    Objective: The player who has the most money when the first animal reaches the finish line wins the game.

    The Hidden Identity Game:
    Summary: Can you figure out who among you are lying? Players are assigned a secret identity, which will either be on the innocent team or the guilty team. Players close their eyes while listening to an audio recording from Game Changer’s website, which instructs certain animals to perform specific actions while everyone else has their eyes closed. In the second phase of the game, all players open their eyes and discuss what happened in order to determine who the guilty team is, while the guilty team lie to try to not get caught!
    Objective: After 5 minutes of discussion, all players vote on who they think is the guilty team. If the majority vote is correct, the innocent team wins. If the majority vote is incorrect, the guilty team wins.

    The Market Game:
    Summary: Players visit a bustling market to buy and sell valuable resources in order to earn the most amount of money. Players must decide whether to claim, swap, trade, or sell resources to customers in order to profit the most.

    Objective: The first player to reach $40 worth of coins wins the game!

    The Memory Game:
    Summary: This game combines memory and strategy. Resource Cards are placed face down on the table with players able to peek at any 2 cards to start their turn. The goal is to collect sets of matching Resource Cards by remembering their location on the table. Each player has their own memory bank where they can strategically store up to 2 sets of cards that will help them complete sets and stop other players from collecting them.

    Objective: The game ends when there are no more Resource Cards left in the middle of the table. The player with the most cards collected wins.

    The Numbers Game:
    Summary: Are your reactions fast enough to be the first to snap on cards? Players take turns placing cards on the table as they race to ‘snap’ on all the correct cards. Similar to the classic game of snap. The game is played in rounds where players compete to be the first to fulfill a customer’s order (3 resource items).

    Objective: Be the first player to snap on all the items that each customer wants in order to collect the active customer card. The first player to collect 3 customer cards wins the game!

    The Party Game:
    Summary: Are your reactions fast enough to be the first to snap on cards? Players take turns placing cards on the table as they race to ‘snap’ on all the correct cards. Similar to the classic game of snap. The game is played in rounds where players compete to be the first to fulfill a customer’s order (3 resource items).
    Objective: Be the first player to snap on all the items that each customer wants in order to collect the active customer card. The first player to collect 3 customer cards wins the game!

    The Realtime Game:
    Summary: This game involves a lot of yelling! Players simultaneously yell out the actions written on their cards to try to find another player yelling out the same action. Once a player has found a match, the matching players both perform that action e.g. ‘Team Spirit’, ‘Bro Bump’ or ‘Pinky Swear’. Both players then discard the Action Cards. The goal is to be the first player who finds matches for all their cards, therefore having zero Action Cards remaining in their hand.

    Objective: The first player to discard all of the Action Cards in their hand wins.

    The Set Collecting Game:
    Summary: Players attempt to create the strongest sets to win, like in Poker. However, unlike Poker, there are 7 Resource Cards face up on the table which players compete for. Each resource card states a rule that explains how that card can be won. The player who satisfies the rule at the end of the game wins that resource card, and the player with the most resource card points wins the game.

    Objective: The player with the highest total value of resource cards wins the game.

    The Storytelling Game:
    Summary: Players tell a funny group story using cards from their hand and trying to be the first player to use up all their cards. To use up their cards faster, players may interrupt other players’ stories using special cards. Each player also has their own pre-written custom ending which they need to use.

    Objective: The first player to use up all their cards and end the story with their ending wins the game.

    The Tile Game:
    Summary: Place tiles on the table next to each other to create a continuous road. Be the first player to collect 3 Treasure Chests. Along the way, you’ll need to slow down your opponent(s) by re-routing and blocking their path(s) to ensure you are the first to collect the Treasure Chests.

    Objective: The first player to collect 3 Treasure Chests wins the game.

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