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Hero's Journey
Hero's Journey
by Victim Services of Peel
Player Count
1 to 6

Player Ages
  • Educational
  • Mechanisms
  • Role Playing
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    From the back of the box

    Hero's Journey is a game for children ages 6-12 years to teach them about women's abuse and domestic violence. It is done in a safe, child-friendly, educational way, using "knowledge" and "strategy" cards to inform children about best practices and response to violence. It also gives children a platform to speak about abuse and violence.

    Each player moves on the board by the roll of a die. The goal is to complete the four "Rites of Passage" in order. Each Rite of Passage is completed by collecting cards, depending on the space that the player landed on. These cards are either Reward Cards (where the player immediately receives some sort of benefit) or Strategy Cards (where the player must answer a question about what they would do in a real-life situation). It is suggested that the game is moderated by a licensed practitioner, who is responsible for rewarding the players who have made good choices.
    The game was commissioned by "Victim Services of Peel [Ontario]", a municipal organization that deals with families and children of abuse. It was made specifically for practitioners working in that environment. It is recommended that the game is played only with a licensed professional, as it is used mainly as a teaching and healing tool for victims of domestic violence.

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