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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Invisible War
Invisible War
by Games and Puzzles (magazine) (1977)
Player Count
2 to 4
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Deduction
  • Designers
  • Ian Warburton
  • Mechanisms
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Rating: 4/10 from 1 users


    A pencil-and-paper game for up to 4 players. You need a 6 x 6 board to be placed in the centre of play. The board should be noted as A to F horizentally and as 1 to 6 vertically. It is then left in the centre as a quick reference for each player to know where each of their pieces are standing. Each player will have 3 Warriors and 1 King.

    Each player takes a player sheet on which they allocate 10 points in total secretly to their three Warriors. Then the four pieces (including the King) are placed on the centre back-line nearest to each player.

    Decide a random starter. A player can move and/or have a 'battle'. Warriors move 1 square in any direction. Kings move up to 2 squares orthagonally. Moving a piece is done by crossing out the old grid reference where it was and writing in the new grid reference being the square that that piece has just moved to. No two pieces of the same player can be on the same space and a piece cannot jump over a piece of the same colour.

    Battle is done by announcing the square a piece is currently on (so before a move). The Battle takes place if one or more opposing pieces are on that square. The attacker announces the strength of his piece and the defenders announce their strength. The strongest piece wins and there are tie-breakers should their be a tie. After a Battle, the victor receives one point for each of his pieces so he gets the reward of stronger pieces for the rest of the game.

    If a King is challenged, it immediately loses and that player is out of the game. The winner is the player with the last surviving king.

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