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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Piesku, szukaj domu
Piesku, szukaj domu
by Schronisko "Na Paluchu" (2017)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes to 30 minutes
  • Animals
  • Educational
  • Designers
  • Szrajber Micha? ART-TUR
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Animals: Dogs
  • Rating: 7/10 from 1 users


    Educational game for children. It shows the fate of homeless dogs, both those living on the street and those that ended up in animal shelters.
    A dog running in the streets may be caught by the guards. By throwing the dice, we check if he has a chip with an address. If he has, he goes to the owner. If not, he ends up in a shelter. A homeless dog can also run into a car, and then goes to the vet for treatment. If he has a chip, it returns to the owner, if not, he goes to the shelter. The dice rolls decide about the events. Someone can come to the shelter to get the dog. A dog from a shelter can also appear on television and attract attention so that someone adopts he.
    The winner is the player whose first four dogs (pawns) find a home.

    The game is co-financed by the "Program for the care of homeless animals and prevention of animal homelessness in the capital city of Warsaw" prepared by the Environmental Protection Office of the Warsaw City Hall.

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