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Rise of the Elders: A Cthulhu World
Rise of the Elders: A Cthulhu World
by (Self-Published) (2017)
Player Count
1 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
40 minutes to 1 hour, 5 minutes
  • Dice
  • Exploration
  • Horror
  • Novel-based
  • Designers
  • Francesco Rossi
  • Mechanisms
  • Tile Placement
  • Modular Board
  • Cooperative Play
  • Storytelling
  • Role Playing
  • Dice Rolling
  • Artists
  • Francesco Rossi
  • Valeria Giordano
  • Family
  • Cthulhu Mythos
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A Tabletop Game based on the Cthulhu mythos, featuring:

    - RPG-based character creation for every new game: Create your unique character each time using one of the 6 sheets (10 with the kickstarter edition), each with bonuses, maluses and a point on one feature. Will you focus on Strength, Agility or Resistance ?

    - Modular Board: Create your own path, each step into the unknown could be your last, but be aware of the empty hexagons you create while building the map. Cthulhu wants them, Cthulhu wants your defeat.

    - Storytelling: Each new tile is supported by a new story, each story has two choices and each of them leads to one of 6 outcomes (3 good ones, 3 bad ones) resulting in 1080 astonishing possibilities. Each choice is based on your character's features and your luck.

    - Uniquely designed miniature models for every monster in the game (Heir of Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Azatoth and Yog-Sothoth) and for every character.

    - Enemies among Friends: In each game you play, you'll never know if the player by your side is a friend or a foe. It starts as a cooperative game, but one of your "friends" might be a cultist for one of the Ancients.

    - Turn Based: You don't have much time, you need to find the site of the ritual trying to bring a Ancient Ones into our world through a portal. You only have a few turns to do it!

    - Equip Yourself: As in any RPG game, your character can use weapons, like a Machinegun or an Axe, find marvellous objects, like powerful Talismans, or outlive danger through the use of protective gear.

    - The Goal: If you're one of the investigators of the occult, your goal is to close all the Ancient portals, but if you're one of the cultists, your goal is to complete the ritual to bring your Ancient One on Earth.

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