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The Devil's Bedpost
The Devil's Bedpost
by (Web published), Air and Nothingness Press (2015)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 15 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Fantasy
  • Print & Play
  • Designers
  • Todd Sanders
  • Mechanisms
  • Hand Management
  • Card Drafting
  • Artists
  • Todd Sanders
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 6.25/10 from 8 users


    The Devil's Bedpost - A quick 2 player game of card drafting.

    As working class MUBs (monsters under the bed), your and your opponent dream of becoming middle monster management in the Devil’s hellish hierarchy. To that end you decide to compete in the annual MUB evaluations. You are each given a target bedroom and all the devilish tools at your disposal to keep your sleepy victim awake all night. The MUB who earns the most points after eight hourly rounds of mayhem and mischief will get a promotion, the other MUB... well, they’ll get what’s coming to them...

    Shuffle the deck of cards and deal 16 cards to each player. The remaining two cards will form a discard pile. That’s it.

    Game Phases:
    There are 3 phases to each round:
    1. Play 2. Discard 3. Pass.

    1. Play:
    During this phase each player will play one card from their hand face down, then reveal at the same time and place it in their ‘bedroom’. On the first turn, players will place the card down in front of them. On consecutive turns each additional card will be placed adjacent to one already played. Cards will form a rectangle of 8 cards by the game’s end. It does not matter which end of the card line the adjacent card is played to.

    Each bedroom has 4 sides and 4 corners. Top and bottom sides of the bedroom are opposite each other. Left and right sides of the bedroom are also opposite each other. Cards may never be moved in a bedroom unless the special action on a card allows it.

    After playing a card each player must use the special action of that card, if applicable.

    2. Discard:
    Players now each discard from their hand face down to the discard pile.

    3. Pass:
    Players now pass their remaining hand of cards to the other player.

    Game End and Scoring:
    After each player has placed their eighth card in their bedroom, and discarded the final card from their hand to the discard pile, the cards are scored.

    The top of each card shows its point value (as well as a small black number which shows how many of those types of card are in the deck).

    Many of the cards have special actions which give scoring bonuses depending upon position and/or number of cards. The player with the highest score is the winner. If players are tied, the player who sleeps the longest the next night is declared the winner.

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