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The Prisoner's Dilemma
The Prisoner's Dilemma
by GeymTheori Studios (2015)
Player Count
3 to 5
  • Card Game
  • Designers
  • Aaron Frias
  • Rating: 6/10 from 1 users


    This card game is based on the game theory of the Prisoner's Dilemma. The theory explores why two purely "rational" individuals might not cooperate, even if it is in their best interest to do so.

    In the prisoner's dilemma story, two prisoners are separated and have the option to confess to the crime or deny any involvement. If both prisoners confess, they will get 2 years. If one confesses and other denies involvement, the one who confesses will get 10 years. If they both deny involvement they both get 3 years.

    When the story plays out, the prisoner's choose their self interest over the risk of possibly getting less jail time if they both confess.

    Our card game uses that same idea but expands on it to allow for up to 5 prisoners and includes some added incentives to keep things interesting.


    Each player draws an Incentive Card, looks at it and places it face down in front of them. Dice are rolled and placed on the Jail Card and Reward Card. Each player selects a Color Card from their hand and plays it face down in front of them. The Witness Color Card is turned over so that everyone can see the color. All players reveal their Color Card and Incentive Card at the same time.

    Starting with the player color card who matches the Witness, any player who can play a Incentive Card decides how to use it: Alibi, Bribe, Double-Cross, Bully, Outsmart, Threaten.

    Colors Cards are counted up by color. The player whose color has the most cards gets negative points matching the die on the jail card. The player whose color has the least cards gets positive points matching the die on the reward card. If there is a tie, all of the tying players each receive the negative points.

    Points are recorded for each player and the round is over and everything starts over again.

    First player to 21 points wins.

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