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The Collodian Conspiracy: Science Against Chaos Unleashed
The Collodian Conspiracy: Science Against Chaos Unleashed
by Galaxy-Foundation Games (1977)
Player Count
  • Science Fiction
  • Wargame
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Hex-and-Counter
  • Artists
  • (Uncredited)
  • Family
  • Battle for Andromeda
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The Collodian Conspiracy is a strategic game in Galaxy-Foundation Games' strategic Battle for Andromeda: Conflict for a Trillion Suns! series. It uses the series rulebook, Andromeda Foundation Official Battle Manual.

    This particular game pits the Collodian Confederation (colonial outposts of the Xenon Empire) against the Kons Empire (or Dirak of Kons). The game can be combined with The Xenon Empire's Star Wars: Crusade Against the War-Lords in some way which is not entirely clear.

    The game-specific rulebook has a lengthy description of the background (the forces are fighting over deposits of cesium, trillium, and magellinium), discussion of strategy, and the specific rules for this game. In the latter category, there are some special weapons for each side and neutral powers which might join the war.

    According to the rulebook, a kit was available which added extra counters to enable play of "the famed Xenon-Kons Frontier Battles of the First Galactic War."

    From a GFG catalog (reproduced verbatim):

    This connects to the previous Game and the Collodians represent the Colonies of Xenon above. In this game for the first time a Culture meets the KONS forces directly - not merely their Allies. There are many counters in this game as the Collodians must use stealth and trickery to protect themselves. The Kons Main Fleet, as governed by the Regent and Viceroy of Cyon is beyond number in power, yet the Kons can send 5 more fleets LKIE THIS at a snap of the fingers! But the Regency is surrounded by barriers of deadly Nebula of Gasses, Radiation Forces, Clouds of Anti-Matter near the Monopole. If the Collodians can move through the Tunnels of Low Energy and strike the Regency, they can cripple it long enough so new Kons forces will have to fight for a long time to reconquer the Zone. When they do, they will have to move up the narrow corridors (like the famous pass defended by Leonidas and his 300 Spartans against the Persion Host of Darius!), likewise limit the number of Kons Craft that can attack at one time. So a Culture with good fighters though outnumbered, can win. If Xenon (on the other board) wins, help will arrive and the Kons expansion might be halted in this direction permanently. Then this would bring Xenon a springboard for its own counter-war!

    Xenon Export Cruisers and Collodian Fleets containing the fastest ships in the Galaxy, are included with 40 Kons war—ship counters in Imperial White. A beautiful Mapboard 22x28 inches long, even better unique rules go along with this BFA Game.

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