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Sky Trails
Sky Trails
by Russell Manufacturing Company (1951)
Player Count
2 to 4

Playing Time
45 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Mechanisms
  • Card Drafting
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A card game about traveling from San Francisco to Shanghai, China. The cards of the game of Sky Trails are divided into two parts, Map Cards and Route cars. (24 of each). The map comprise 4 sets of 6 cards each, forming an end to end in proper order and from a route of plane travel from San Francisco in the west to Shanghai China in the east. The route cards show 12 important stops along the way with a picture of a point of interest, the flag of the country, a symbol or emblem or a person or two in native dress. There are two alike cards for each of these 12 stops These cards are numbered San Francisco 5, New York 10, Gander 15, Shannon 20 and so on, Each succeeding card stop traveling East increases in value by 5 until Shanghai (value 60) is reached.

    How to play: Deal 9 cards to each player and place th reminder of the deck face down on the table Players draw a card from the deck either from the face down pile of the face up discard pile and then discard a card. The object is to lay down the 6 map cards showing a complete route from San Francisco to Shanghai. The first 3 cars of the lay down must be done together. The other 3 can be laid down one at a time if so desired, After getting the 6 map cards down the next objective is to get consecutive route card in hand an play the down 3 cards together saying I am getting off in Rome which means that you laid down Paris, Geneva and Rome cards and then discarded the other card in your hand scoring the total value of the cars, in this case 90 (25 for Paris,30 for Geneva and 35 for Rome, so the further east you travel the more points you will score. Completing a flight before an opponent has laid down his map cards gets you a 100 point bonus. When playing partnerships, you can play on your partners cards until one map of 6 consecutive cards is completed and then either partner can ask “Would you like to get off in Bombay or some other stop depending on cards held to which your partner must answer yes or no, in which case the one asking is bound by the response of his partner. However one partner may simply say we are getting of in Paris and then lay down the required cards. Scorekeeper then records the score at the end of each turn. First team to 500 or 100 wins the game

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