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Firestorm Invasion: Planetfall
Firestorm Invasion: Planetfall
by Studio Sparta (2012)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages
  • Science Fiction
  • Dice
  • Wargame
  • Miniatures
  • Designers
  • Derek Sinclair
  • Sam Bevan
  • Mechanisms
  • Modular Board
  • Dice Rolling
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Artists
  • Martin Jones
  • Chris Drew
  • Jonathan La Trobe-Lewis
  • Christopher Peacey
  • David Kidd
  • Family
  • Firestorm Galaxy
  • Rating: 6.29/10 from 7 users


    This is the brutal ground-pounding side of combat using massive forces of tanks, ground attack craft, mechanical walkers and heavily armoured infantry. This is the part of the invasion when you use your major assets to smash your enemy, this isn't about pretending you are taking a planet with 10 tanks - this is the part when you tactically deploy waves of armour to clear the way before you, pulverising any fool who stands in your way. We call this PLANETFALL and it will be presented using 10mm scale miniatures.

    Source: Publisher blurb

    Planetfall is a miniature tabletop wargame, set in Firestorm Armada universe. Game uses 10mm miniatures and dice to reproduce future combat during plant invasion. Planetfall if one of three game systems (second is Conquest and third Spec Ops), and focuses on big battles between tanks, and heavy mechs.

    Firestorm Invasion: Planetfall is designed to be a fast and furious game of massed armored combat. The game mechanics have been kept simple and easy to learn, allowing players to quickly get to grips with the tactical use and deployment of their key military assets.

    Dice are an integral part of FI:P, adding an element of chance to represent the many varied factors present on the battlegrounds of the far-future. Generally, players will be asked to roll a number of D6 and add up the total number of ‘hits’ or ‘successes’. In most circumstances each roll of 4, 5 or 6 will be a success, although various effects can cause this ‘to hit’ number to change.

    Every Squadron in FI:P has an Activation Card. These cards are used to add an extra level of tactical game play. These are supplied as blank cards, so that you can mark them to distinguish between your Squadrons. Activation Cards have two purposes in the game; they are used to control a player’s Order of March and are also used to plan a player’s reserves.

    Each Turn during a game of FI:P each player will have a number of Command Points. The number available is calculated at the beginning of each Turn. These are then used throughout the Turn to improve Command Tests, play Game Cards and to allow Squadrons to perform more complex actions.

    Game Cards in FI:P are used to represent a wide range of unplanned events, electronic warfare systems, direct command intervention and sheer luck! They add an
    additional level of tactics and learning when and how to use them brings a dynamic element to the game.

    A game of FI:P consists of a number of Turns, with each Turn broken down into the following main phases:

    1. Command Point Phase
    2. Order of March Phase
    3. Turn Card Phase
    4. Initiative Phase
    5. Squadron Activation Phase
    6. End Phase


    At this point, players should check to see if the Scenario’s Victory Conditions have been satisfied by either player, if the Time or Turn Limit has expired or if the roll for Variable game length should be made. If the game has ended, then Victory Points should be calculated for both sides, depending on the Scenario played, and the winner should be determined.

    The winner of a game of FI:P is normally decided by comparing Victory Point Totals after the final Turn has been played, unless a Scenario is being played that gives alternative Victory Conditions.


    Although it is preferable for everyone to have their own deck of Game Cards, it is possible share a deck. Each player will need to draw from a shared deck and discard to a shared Discard Pile.

    Important Note: If a deck is used by more than one player, where possible, allies, rather than opponents, should use a shared deck.

    You may not play cards on your allies’ models unless the card text specifically allows you to. In games with more than two players per side you may ONLY play cards to benefit models you control or to hinder enemy models.

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