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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by C.W. Faulkner & Co (1896)
Player Count
3 to 1

Player Ages
  • Card Game
  • Bluffing
  • Mechanisms
  • Hand Management
  • Rating: 4/10 from 1 users


    60 cards, 4 cards of each number from 1 to 15

    This is what the Edwardians might call 'a round game'. Every player is given 24 counters and each pays three into the 'pool'. The starting player chooses a card and places it face down and calls "one". If he is believed, the next player must play a card and says "two", with each subsequent player calling the next number in the sequence of one to fifteen. At his turn, a player can challenge the card played by the previous player. If the card was wrong, various penalties take place (drawing more cards and paying two counters into the pool and two to the challenger. If the card was correct, these penalties now apply to the player who told the truth with his numbered card.
    If a player gets down to just one card, he may retire from the game and claims half the pool. Each subsequent player who retires with one card also takes half the pool (of course, it will get smaller as each player retires from the game). If a player has no cards left, he takes the entire pool and wins the game. It doesn't say so in the rules but I assume that if no-one retires with no cards left, then the winner will be the one with the most counters.

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