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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by (Self-Published) (2016)
Player Count
1 to 6
  • Dice
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 5/10 from 5 users


    Dicey is a new demon dice game, with a unique feature. Rascally shaped dice make a mockery of throwing a six in this fast, fun and furiously tricky game of chance!

    The result of Dicey's unique shape means the odds of throwing a 6 is now about three times harder (1 in 18) and throwing a 1 that much easier (about 1 in 3). Throwing the other four number has about the same odds as for a normal dice (1 in 6)

    There are 4 ways to play depending on the number of players.

    The first game named Dicey is a 3-6 player game has the objective of winning all your opponents' counters. You take one dice and 8 counters.

    All players roll in real time and when someone throws a 6 they win the pot.

    As you roll the following numbers

    1 - Add a counter to the pot
    2 - If someone spots you roll this, they can take a counter from you
    3 - no action
    4 - no action
    5 - Must stop rolling for 5 seconds
    6 - Win the pot

    The second option is a two player game named Double Trouble with the objective of winning all counters.

    You each take 10 counters and two dice.

    You both ante one token the pot and make a single roll in turn

    If you roll

    A single 1 - place 1 token into the pot
    A double 1 - place 2 tokens into the pot
    Double 2,3,4,5 - You lose the round and the pot goes to the other player
    A single 6 - You win the pot
    A double 6 - You win the game automatically.

    The third game is for 3-6 players named Last Man Standing, with the objective of not being the player to put the last token into the pot.

    You start with an agreed number of counters each, three for a quick game or more for a longer game.

    Each player in turn rolls 3 dice

    1 - Put a counter into the pot
    2 - Give a counter to the person on the left
    3 - Give a counter to the person on the right

    If you have no tokens you are not out as you may get some back.

    When only 1 token not in the pot the dice actions change

    2 - move a counter left
    3 - move a counter right
    6 - place a counter in the pot and lose the game!

    The fourth and last way to play is named The solo challenge and is for a single player. This is a challenge mode with the aim of rolling specific faces in the least number of rolls.

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