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Don Martin's Kartenspiel
Don Martin's Kartenspiel
by AMIGO, Brio AB, Alga (1989)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
2 hours
  • Card Game
  • Humor
  • Designers
  • Dan Glimne
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Score-and-Reset Game
  • Artists
  • Don Martin
  • Family
  • Shedding Games
  • Rating: 4.96/10 from 20 users


    Don Martin's Kartenspiel is an excellently funny card game with an own special deck which contains 82 cards: 64 colored cards in 8 different texts and in 4 different colors plus 18 black & white action cards. The complete box includes also a couple of spare cards, some measurement cards that can be used to measure the size of your ear, and a c-cassette containing sound effects from the cards.

    A single round of this game begins by dealing each player a certain amount of cards (10 - 16) depending on the number of players - more cards with less players. On each round every player has two goals: to get rid of all his/her cards, and to collect sets of 3+ colored cards with a same text.

    During each round The first player who manages to empty his/her hand wins the round but isn't necessarily the player who receives the most points. That's because the most points are awarded from the collected sets. The winner, however, receives bonus points according to the cards still left in the hands of other players and other players get a lot of penalty from those cards. There is also a 100 point bonus awarded for a player who wins the round with only a single set on the board.

    The game is played over multiple rounds which all are scored. The winner is the player who first reaches 500 points. Because the amount of points gained from a round can vary from -150 to +450 the games can last forever or only for less than an hour.

    The fun part of the game is that when a player plays a card he/she must say what's printed in the card, like: "Splappa dap!", "Arra Argh Yargh", or "Fippaditty Fappaditty Fappa daMap!" It comes naturally after a few games, believe me.

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