Enclave: Zakon Kra?ca ?wiata
DescriptionTwelve spiritual leaders, known as the Masters of Brilliance, have gained a great influence and many followers. At the night of solstice, they brought an unexpected end upon the world, precisely by the rules they had foretold. Anything that people could imagine happened on that night. During that tragic spectacle, the Masters of Brilliance separated wheat from chaff, taking the chosen ones to a new nice little hell they had built in a higher dimension somewhere at the doorstep of afterlife. No one knows how they got there or how they managed to affect reality. Anyway, only rigorous cooperation could grant them enough power. The end of the world brought about by these wise guys was not as perfect as they had planned. Soon it turned out that some men left in the ashes of the past world could enter the realm of the Masters of Brilliance. Perhaps the power they cast upon the world to destroy it left a solid print? Or perhaps the transition was not that difficult? The first man to discover he possessed this ability was Jonas Arvani. When he found out he was not the only one, he founded a guild. The boarding ability – that is, the ability to jump into a much higher plane, where the Masters of Brilliance have their twisted utopia – soon turned into an enormous business. Not everyone managed to follow the guild's strict rules. Therefore competitive undertakings began to appear that were less able and less honest. Now retrievers have been trained by guilds to steal inventions and devices from the enclave of the Masters of Brilliance. Those items become artifacts in the ruined world. The most valuable prizes are schematics that allow mankind to recreate lost devices, so that they can serve people again. In the board game Enclave: Zakon Kra?ca ?wiata, each player starts with a retriever card along with the machine that boosts their boarding ability. During the game, which lasts six turns, players are allowed to:
This path is the main way to victory, known as becoming "the chosen of the Tree". Dwunastu przywódców religijnych zwanych Mistrzami Blasku zyska?o wielkie wp?ywy oraz mnóstwo wyznawców, aby w noc przesilenia niespodziewanie wywo?a? koniec ?wiata dok?adnie wed?ug przepowiedzianych przez siebie regu?. W?a?ciwie sta?o si? wszystko, co tylko ludzie zdo?ali sobie wyobrazi?. A podczas tego dramatycznego spektaklu Mistrzowie Blasku odsiewali ziarno od plew. Zabierali wybranych, ?eby zbudowa? im nowe, mi?e piekie?ko w wy?szym wymiarze. Gdzie? w takim przedsionku do za?wiatów. Nie wiadomo, jak zdo?ali si? tam dosta? ani jakim sposobem potrafili wp?ywa? na rzeczywisto??. W ka?dym razie odpowiedni? moc mogli uzyska? wy??cznie dzi?ki ?cis?ej wspó?pracy. Koniec ?wiata panów m?drali nie by? tak perfekcyjny, jak mo?na by si? spodziewa?. Wkrótce okaza?o si?, ?e niektórzy z ludzi pozostawionych w?asnemu losowi na zgliszczach minionego ?wiata potrafi? przenika? do rzeczywisto?ci Mistrzów Blasku. Mo?e moc, któr? Mistrzowie Blasku tchn?li w ?wiat, ?eby go rozwali?, zostawi?a jaki? trwa?y ?lad? A mo?e przej?cie po prostu nie jest takie trudne? Pierwszym cz?owiekiem, który odkry? u siebie te niezwyk?e zdolno?ci, by? Jonas Arvani. Nied?ugo potem przekona? si?, ?e nie jest jedyny i za?o?y? gildi?. Umiej?tno?? dokonywania aborda?y, to znaczy skoków w wy?szy wymiar, w którym Mistrzowie Blasku zbudowali swoj? kalek? utopi?, sta?a si? wkrótce wielkim biznesem. Gildia mia?a twarde zasady, którym nie ka?dy móg? podo?a?. Zacz??y powstawa? konkurencyjne ugrupowania, mniej sprawne i mniej uczciwe. Zadaniem pozyskiwaczy czy te? szkolonych w gildii grabie?ców jest wykradanie z enklawy Mistrzów Blasku wynalazków i urz?dze?, które w zrujnowanym ?wiecie zyskiwa?y rang? artefaktów. Najcenniejszymi pryzami, jakie mo?na wynie?? z aborda?u, s? schematy budowy urz?dze? pozwalaj?ce odtworzy? dan? rzecz, tak, aby znów mog?a s?u?y? ludziom. I tak w grze planszowej ka?dy z graczy otrzymuje kart? pozyskiwacza wraz z maszyn? wspomagaj?c? aborda?e. Podczas rozgrywki, która b?dzie trwa?a 6 tur, gracze maj? mo?liwo??: Game DiscussionsAdd CommentYou need to be logged in to comment. Insert Bullet List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Numeric List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Link Please enter the link of the website Optionally you can add display text Insert Email Please enter the email address Optionally add any display text Insert Image Please enter the link of the image Insert YouTube Video Please enter the link of the video MarketplaceNo listings at the moment. Do you own this game? Click here to list it for sale.
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