Es geht de Mensche wie de Leidt: Das hessische Weisheitenspiel
DescriptionMemory-style game to build Hessian sayings out of pairs. Just for the fun of learning or revisiting Hessian dialect words. The game plays like memory (unlike memory you don't keep matching pairs - put them back on the table, again). One word is the first half of the full word, one the second (1:1 match). To avoid unclarities, the matching parts have the same color - wrong combinations result in funny new creations, adding to the fun.The cards contain also an explanation what the resulting words actually mean (for those that did not know the word before). It's mainly a fun party game leading to discussions about local dialects, but the one finding most (new) matching pairs is the winner. Game DiscussionsAdd CommentYou need to be logged in to comment. Insert Bullet List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Numeric List Please enter at least one item. Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Insert Link Please enter the link of the website Optionally you can add display text Insert Email Please enter the email address Optionally add any display text Insert Image Please enter the link of the image Insert YouTube Video Please enter the link of the video MarketplaceNo listings at the moment. Do you own this game? Click here to list it for sale.
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