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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
Five Famous Favorites
Five Famous Favorites
by Cadaco (1943)
Player Count
2 to 9

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Tripoley: A standard deck playing card game played with a special layout (or board) and poker chips. It is a modern version of the game of Poch. Each hand has three phases: "Hearts", "Poker", and "Michigan Rummy". All cards are dealt out, including one extra hand which remains unseen. Players place chips in the spaces for the special combinations on the playing mat/board, the "Poker" pot, and the "Kitty". The first phase pays off for holding certain cards or combinations (that match the combinations on the playing layout/board). The second phase is a hand of poker; each player selecting five cards from his hand to play. A hand of Poker betting takes place, with bets added to the "Poker" pot, and the winner wins the "Poker" pot. In the third phase, players play a slight variation of the game of Michigan (similar to Fan Tan), and the first to go out wins the chips in the "Kitty".

    Backgammon (Acey Ducey): a classic abstract strategy game where each player has a set of 15 "men" that must be moved from their starting positions, around, and then off the board. Dice are thrown each turn, and each player must decide which of his men to move based on the outcome of the roll. Players can capture each other's men, forcing the captured men to restart their journey around the board. The winner is the first player to get all 15 men off the board.

    Number Chek

    Horse Race

    Checkers: is an abstract strategy game where players move disc-shaped pieces across an 8 by 8 cross-hatched ("checker") board. Pieces only move diagonally, and only one space at a time. If a player can move one of his pieces so that it jumps over an adjacent piece of their opponent and into an empty space, that player captures the opponent's disc. Jumping moves must be taken when possible, thereby creating a strategy game where players offer up jumps in exchange for setting up the board so that they jump even more pieces on their turn. A player wins by removing all of his opponent's pieces from the board or by blocking the opponent so that he has no more moves.

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