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Futbol Cacho
Futbol Cacho
by (Unknown)
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Playing Time
10 minutes
  • Sports
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Sports: Football / Soccer
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 6.1/10 from 5 users


    This a little dice game that we play in our town (Oruro, Bolivia), the popular name is Capi Futbol because it's based on another dice game called Capi Manda (or The Captain give orders) that is kind of like poker dice...

    In order to play you just need 5 dice, a cup, and you have to draw a sketch of a football pitch (divided in 5 areas: goal area - field - midfield (the mid line does is not a divisor line) - field - goal area) and a counter that represent the ball (we almost always use a bottle cap).

    The game starts with the "ball" at midfield. After a "toss" the one who has the kick off shakes the dice in the cup and the other player does the same (always after the one who is the Captain at time), then the non-captain player can re-roll from 1 to 5 dice, after he does the captain can do the same, they both can no use the re roll (see SIT DOWN below).

    This way they play "poker hands" with rankings like this: 5 same (Grande), 1 different (Poker), 2 same 3 same (Full House), 1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6 or 3,4,5,6,1 (Escaleras, in ties the higher straight wins, 3 of the same (Tricas, 111 the higher, 222 the lowest), pairs, if neither of you has anything then both players put all the 5 dice in their cup and play simultaneously with no re-rolls with highest winning.

    Every time a player wins a hand, he moves the ball one space towards the opponents goal area.

    When you are playing in the goal area if the Attacking player wins it's a goal, you can play to a certain amount of goals,or with a time limit.

    suggested optional rules.

    DESPEJE (Shot from the goal keeper) after winning a hand in his own goal area a player may choose to made a Despeje.

    If he does he rolls one die and moves the number of pips in spaces towards the Goal area of the opponent, but when it reaches the goal area then the ball goes back towards the field (some people choose to not let the ball go back to the goal area or field of the shooter).

    After this shot the opponent keeps possession and is now the Captain).

    SIT DOWN (Mid distance shot at the goal) there is no re roll if you are in the "Field" area next to your opponent's Goal area, if the attacker wins its a goal (some people prefer to Announce the shot before a SIT DOWN happens), if the defender wins it's a DESPEJE but this time the defender keeps control after the play.

    3 LINEUP CHANGES to represent the 3 substitutions of players allowed in a football match, the player can Voltear (turn a dice over to its opposite side) 3 times in a match (i.e. a 3 can become a 4 if using a change, a 2 can become a 5, a 6 can become a 1 etc.) Some people let the attacking player do 1 Volteo each hand if he desires except when he is at the opponent's Goal area.

    Well this game is fun and you can play it anywhere (because it is a modified game of Generala it's like our national game) and of course it's about luck but not pure luck.

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