
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by LearnPlay, Inc. (1999)
Player Count
2 to 1

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes to 1 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Educational
  • Family
  • Traditional Card Game: War
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    GeoMundi is an educational game that attempts to teach players about the countries of the world.

    "Ten games that bring far away places home. Actual data of 229 countries and territories - wrapped in 10 games of action and strategy."

    The game comes with 229 cards containing data about various countries. The rulebook contains rules for 10 different games which can be played with the included cards.

    1) GeoMundi (2+ players)
    This is essentially War. One player chooses a category on the cards (like Literacy). All players compare the value on their card. The player with the best value collects all the cards.

    2) GeoMundi Double (2 players)
    This is played like GeoMundi, but both players choose a category. One player must win both categories to win the cards. If neither player wins both categories, each draws a new card and chooses a new category. This repeats until a player wins both selected categories and that player then wins all the cards used up to that point.

    3) GeoMundi Open (2+ players)
    Played like GeoMundi but the lead player selects any of their cards and then chooses any category. Each player may then select any of their cards to use in the battle. Best value in the category wins the cards.

    4) Handicap (4+ players on 2+ teams)
    Teams take turns. One player on one team picks a card and then must give clues so that their team can guess the name of the country. The clue provider may not use any of the words on the card or give clues related to the country name, although rhymes are allowed.

    5) Touch! (2+ players)
    This game is similar to Slap Jack. Each player turns over a card on their turn. If two consecutively played cards are for countries which neighbor each other the first player to yell "Touch" wins all the cards in the pile. Islands are "wild" and are considered to touch all other countries.

    6) Clue-in (2+ players)
    Players decide on an order for the card categories to be used. Players take turns as the clue giver. That player reads the data on the card in the order decided upon. The first player to correctly guess the country name wins the card. Each player is only allowed one guess during each round and if they guess incorrectly the clue giver gets a random card from their stack.

    7) Flag Wizz (2+ players)
    This is played like Clue-in but only the flag is given as a clue.

    8) The Capitals Game (2+ players)
    This is played like Clue-in but the players must guess the country's capital city. Or the players can only use the capital city as the clue and the players must guess the country name.

    9) Take Your Pick (2+ players)
    This is played like Clue-in but the clue giver draws two cards, states the name of each country, and chooses a category. The players must guess which country has the better value or if they match.

    10) Map-it
    This is played like Clue-in. The clue giver states the name of the country and the first player to find the country on the included map and state the country number wins the card.

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