
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by White Goblin Games (2016)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
45 minutes to 1 hour
  • City Building
  • Ancient
  • Designers
  • Stefan Dorra
  • Mechanisms
  • Hex-and-Counter
  • TRN-05 Claim Turn Order
  • ACT-02 Action Drafting
  • Follow
  • Artists
  • Dennis Lohausen
  • Family
  • Ancient Greece
  • Theme: Construction
  • Digital Implementations: Yucata
  • Rating: 6.82/10 from 257 users


    Hellas, 480 BC. It’s the rise of classic Greek civilization. After the overwhelming victory of Xerxes’ army at Thermopylae, the Greeks return to their country and continue the hard work at the islands. The building and development of large cities is the next step into a new era.

    Found settlements on a Greek island and let them grow into large cities. Build statues in honor of the Gods or finish one of the various temples on the island. All this work needs a lot of marble, which can be found in the many quarries. Houses next to a quarry can mine marble, but some quarries produce more marble than others.

    Each round in Hellas players choose an action in the display. When choosing to build a house, palace or square on the island, all others can perform that action, too. Deciding to mine marble (to get more money) will also help other players because they'll earn money too through their houses next to mines. Building pillars in temples or raising a statue are the only type of actions you'll perform by yourself, but at the end of the game all players might score points because of your work.

    Strategically build your settlements on the island to gain the most profit from quarries. Timing is crucial: most of your chosen actions can also be immediately performed by all other players. Think ahead to outsmart your opponents and score the most points with your cities.

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