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Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
Impact: Will you survive?
Impact: Will you survive?
by Montserrat Games (2019)
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
1 hour, 30 minutes to 2 hours
  • Adventure
  • Prehistoric
  • Territory Building
  • Mechanisms
  • Hex-and-Counter
  • Action/Event
  • Advantage Token
  • Events
  • End Game Bonuses
  • Finale Ending
  • Rating: 10/10 from 1 users


    We go back to the time where the landmass of the earth was one. This landmass, called Pangaea is where our story begins.

    At the same time, in the far far distance of our Galaxy an earth disaster is heading our way. The famous asteroid that hit the earth over 65 million years ago. When this asteroid hits the earth, the game will end and we will see if the ancestors to mankind where able to survive allowing us humans to rule the planet as we do today.

    During the game play, Pangaea will change, continents will rise and fall, opportunities to survive will come and go, are you lucky enough? Are you strategic enough?

    Dinosaurs will make your changes to survive more difficult and volcano eruptions can happen any time, covering everything in lava.

    Earthquakes and Tsunamis are mother nature’s forces that will challenge you. Are you able to outsmart your fellow players? It´s survival of mankind but it better be your offspring to rule the world, or perhaps nobody shall survive!?

    This game is a typical hex-tile and worker placement. Tiles will also be stacked/unstacked on the board during the game.

    Each player starts with 4 cards at hand, visible to all.
    From the 4 cards you select 2 (or 3 for experience gamers) to represent in order:
    1. a number of tiles displacement of the event-locator,
    2. an action that will take place at that new location and
    3. (optional, based on chosen game play) the range, i.e. number of tiles, that is affected by that action.

    Played cards are discarded and new cards are added to the players hand for a next round.

    The event-locator, positioned on the board, points out where the action as given by the card will take place. Possible actions are land-rise, land-fall, climate change, earthquake/tsunami or dinosaur placement. Depending on the game-type, more than 1 tile can be affected.

    Each players meeple walks around the continents to harvest points or to place shelters (up to 3) but they are continuously in danger due to the effects of the actions that can happen to the continent (or tile) the players meeple and shelters are on. As player, you can chose to work with your fellow players or work against them, finding an alliance or break it again.

    Not all land-types can support players meeples or dinosaurs, but you can buy evolution cards that can give you a bit of help, but it will cost you points.

    Not all land-types are suitable for shelter building either or you shall choose between scoring points and harvest or not to harvest and move to a better spot to be able, in your next turn, to finally build your shelter. Can you build and keep your shelters on the board and earn the most points along the way? Shelters that you can keep on the board start earning points for you as well.

    Only if at least 1 of your shelters survives the end game when the famous asteroid impacts the earth, then and only then will you have a change to win the game. During the game-play the asteroid is triggered and will move closer to earth from the starting place you have chosen. This determines (more or less) the game length. The speed in which it approaches is different each game, making it hard to predict how much time or turns is still left in the game. But when the asteroid reaches the earth, the end game begins.

    Simply stated, ensure your ancestors survive the impact and earn the most points during the game, that will make you the winner.

    —description from the designer

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