Integer Chess
DescriptionThe coordinate plane is the 'playground' of algebra, the arena where algebraic concepts are displayed graphically. Integer Chess, helps grades 3 - 7 students understand and develop proficiency in skills involving graphing, making vector-like moves, etc. on the coordinate plane! Students will be prepared to use this vital algebraic tool will before formal study of algebra begins. Integer Chess, features three Power Learning integer games played on the coordinate plane! Each game offers simple to complex strategies, challenging novices and masters alike! Understanding of vital algebraic concepts develops through play. Locations & Moves familiarizes students with graphing points and making vector-like-moves. Integer Addends & Sums challenges students to find strategic locations using vector-like sums. Integer Products & Factors challenges students to find strategic locations using vector-like products. Each move in these Power Learning games requires students to examine multiple options, thereby intensifying practice. Contents:
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