Let's Jet
DescriptionFrom game rules for "Basic" game: Draw three "public cards" from the Travel deck and place them directly on the map. Deal each player four Travel cards, and give each player a jet pawn and scoring chip. Each player chooses one of their cards as their starting location and puts their jet pawn on that city. Put the card they chose in front of that player to begin a scoring pile, and put their scoring chip on the 1 on the scoring track. On a player's turn, their jet can make two "hops" as measured using the distance ruler. Each time a player stops in a city shown on a "public card" or one of their own Travel cards, they take that card and add it to their scoring pile, then move their scoring chip on the scoring track.=========="Advanced" game features additional rules for Event cards, Bonus abilities awarded for completing a set of three cards of the same color, and CoPilot cards awarded when another player visits a Travel card you're holding. Bonus cards: WHAT THEY'LL LEARN: Geography, Strategy, World Facts
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