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Mafia, cosa di capo
Mafia, cosa di capo
by Mercurio (2015)
Player Count
2 to 5

Player Ages

Playing Time
45 minutes to 1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Negotiation
  • Mafia
  • Designers
  • Jesús Fuentes
  • Mechanisms
  • Trading
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Hand Management
  • Artists
  • Jesús Fuentes
  • Rating: 6.42/10 from 49 users


    During setup, each player is dealt a 'Capo' card with a special ability. Then, each player is dealt three cards that represent three kinds of basic workers. The game has four basic workers and two 'specialist workers' (one of then works like a 'joker' that you can use as any of the basec one, and the other specialist is you 'right-hand' who help you with some kind of special ability)

    During the game, which is played in rounds, each player play his own turn. In his turn, a player can play cards; those cards usually are 'bussines cards', but each of then need two workers. If you don't have the correct worker you can hire to other players, then you have to negociate the cost.

    Others cards are 'special cards' that allow several efects (steal, kill on worker, police, anticipate news, get the money just now, and so on...) some of them can be played in any moment, but few of them can be played only in your turn. Of course, you can negociate the use and the target of that cards.

    When you end your turn, you draw or discard until you have seven cards.

    At the end of the round, there are revealed two cards from the 'news' deck, which are some special effects in the game like one worker goes to the jail, or one kind of bussines are not working.

    Then you get the money from your bussines cards and pay the agreements you had done (the agreements are mandatory).

    The richer player at the end of the game is the winner.

    All the name of the workers are 'spanish-word-joke'.

    The people in the bank-notes are friends and family of the designer.

    "Vístete para la ocasión, ten el maletero de tu coche a punto y un buen puñado de balas...

    Sumérgete en los bajos fondos de la ciudad para controlar los negocios de la familia, ordena a tus secuaces que extorsionen en los barrios, influye sobre las leyes y gánate a la policía. Pero ten cuidado, tienes enemigos y una inspección de hacienda podría crearte muchos problemas..."

    Con Mafia, coacciona o alíate con otros capos, todo tiene un precio. Lo importante es que ganes más que nadie al final de la partida y te levantes de la mesa como un digno ¡capo de la mafia!

    Mafia es un juego donde se priman los acuerdos y se recompensa al buen negociador. El comercio es lo más importante: demanda secuaces a otras familias si te hacen falta para llevar a cabo los negocios, vende estos negocios o alquílalos si es que te sobran.

    Además, puedes extorsionar amenazando con atacar a otro capo y pedir dinero a cambio para no hacerlo u ofrecerlo si tú eres el objetivo. Espera para dar un pelotazo, una jugada puede doblar tus ganancias en cualquier momento. Échate faroles cuando puedas con las cartas de tu mano, se retorcido y despiadado, ¡esa es la clave de un auténtico capo!

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