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Metre Litre Gram Game
Metre Litre Gram Game
by (Unknown)
Player Count
2 to 10

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 1 hour
  • Educational
  • Math
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The Metre Litre Gram Game is the fun way to learn metric.

    The game consists of a playing board, six player tokens, two dice, five decks of cards (metre, litre, gram, chance, and exam), a rule sheet and a sheet that explains the metric system.

    The path on the board is in the shape of the letter m, which stands for metre. The left leg has metre questions, the middle section has litre and temperature questions, and the right leg has gram questions. After rolling the dice the player takes the larger of the two dice and moves their token forward and takes a question card from the appropriate stack. If the player answers the question correctly their token remains on that square. If the player is incorrect the player moves backwards the smaller number of spaces. If the player rolls doubles their token is moved forward the total of the two dice, and moves backwards the distance indicated on one die in the case of an incorrect answer. If the player lands on a square the same colour as their token, a chance card is drawn. On some spaces an exam card is drawn. A player cannot move again until an exam question is answered correctly. The first player to travel the board wins.

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