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Missionary Game 1: Simon kalastajan ihmeelliset seikkailut
Missionary Game 1: Simon kalastajan ihmeelliset seikkailut
by Raamatun tietokirja (1995)
Player Count
2 to 5

Playing Time
45 minutes
  • Trivia
  • Party Game
  • Religious
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 3.17/10 from 3 users


    "The Amazing Adventures of Simon the Fisherman" (aka apostle Peter)

    This is a religious trivia/party game with roll-and-move mechanics and a deck of trivia/task/event cards.

    The game board is a map of Palestine in 33 AD, where the game is set. Each player assumes the role of Simon (Peter) in travelling through the Holy Land in search of three Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

    By rolling a 6-sided die, the players move through land, mountain, and water routes. Each city on the map has a face-down counter; these counters represent events and items, including the Keys. When a player lands on a city, they must roll the die to determine whether they must a) turn the counter immediately, b) answer a trivia question, or c) perform a task. The biblical trivia questions are multi-choice (3) and on a correct answer the counter can be turned. The tasks are pantomimes such as "sewing", "smoke getting into eyes" etc. If another player guesses the task correctly, the counter can be turned, and the guesser also gets an extra roll on her turn.

    A negative result in the trivia or task finishes the player's turn, but she can remain in the space and try again on the next turn.

    If a player lands on a violet space, an event takes place; these are also included in the trivia cards.

    The first player to collect three Keys and proceed to the finish ("ship bound for Rome") wins the game.

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