
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by Sherlock S.A. (2018)
Player Count
2 to 4

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 50 minutes
  • Dice
  • Music
  • Designers
  • Moisés Pacheco de Souza
  • Bianca Melyna
  • Mechanisms
  • Set Collection
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Dice Rolling
  • Worker Placement
  • Press Your Luck
  • Take That
  • Artists
  • Frank William
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Catarse
  • Rating: 7.23/10 from 15 users


    OVERDRIVE is a game of dice allocation, which represents the members of your band. Each player takes on the role of the best rock band in their universe, whose goal is to get the most points until the last battle of bands. Use unique techniques, optimize your bandwidth and invest in improvements to prove who is the biggest band in the whole multiverse. This is rock'n roll, baby!


    1 Rules Book
    5 Band Sheet
    1 Game Board
    4 Disc Award Tiles
    16 cards of Opportunities
    20 Cancellation tiles
    1 First Player token
    24 Custom dices

    The game board contains the most basic actions of dice allocation. With a combination of dice faces, the player allocates their dice in the spaces available to perform the specific actions. If a space already contains dices from other players, you can not use that space.
    All players receive at the beginning of the match 4 dices of their color, which represents the members of their band. On your turn, you use the faces of your rolled dice, and allocate them on the board.
    In addition to the board, there are the Hit Cards, which work the same way, as there are spaces available to allocate dice and receive the bonuses. The difference is that a player can buy a Hit, and when another player allocates dices on his Hit, you are also benefited. For this reason, there is a deck of Hits with 18 different cards to be restored to the table as the players buy them (only 3 are revealed).

    Each player also receives a Band Sheet from their band, and each of them has the Fan, Fame, Overdrive and Money tracks, which are marked with cubes. Throughout the match, each player, through their actions, can improve these attributes to try to improve their score at the end of the game. Each band also has special abilities that are unlocked throughout the match, optimizing their technique and improving their performance.
    At the table, there are 4 discs of awards, which are goals that bands can achieve to claim them, and increase their score. When you take an award disc (bronze, silver, gold or diamond), you become the owner of it, and another player can not take it from you. You still have the option of swapping it for another better scoring disc when you can meet your requirements, but you will have to return the lower scoring score, making it available to other players.

    Finally, at the end of rounds 3, 6 and 8 (total of 8 rounds) the Battle of Bands takes place. Players use their dices to fight between them, trying to eliminate opponents' dices for 2 scrolling acts and comparing results. You can only defeat an opponent's dice if you have more equal faces than the symbol you want to remove from it. For example, you can use 2 skull faces to defeat the only skull result of one of your target foes. At the end of the battle, the remaining dice will provide bonuses to the players.
    In addition to the game, there is also a concern to accumulate symbols for the collection, which are printed on the Hit Cards, the Band Sheet, and Dices at the end of the last battle. This will give you more points towards the end of the match, as you score with each collection of at least 3 identical or different symbols.

    The goal of the game is, at the end of round 8, to have more victory points than its opponents, thus becoming the best band of the multiverse.
    The game is for 2 to 4 players, and the starting time is around 45 minutes.

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