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Paradise Revolution
Paradise Revolution
by (Self-Published) (2019)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
30 minutes to 3 hours
  • Political
  • Wargame
  • Mechanisms
  • Campaign / Battle Card Driven
  • Dice Rolling
  • Point to Point Movement
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Paradise Revolution is a four player strategy tabletop game inspired by the classic strategy games of the past like Risk, Axis and Allies, and Diplomacy featuring a Cold War theme and Latin American aesthetic this game aims to create a fun, intense, and thrilling experience for all players. This game can last for one to five hours, and is build to be easy-to-learn and hard to master, i.e. deep enough gameplay to entertain tabletop strategy veterans while being easy to pick up for new players.

    The setting of the game is Santa Maria, a fictional Caribbean island that is at the center of a proxy conflict between the great powers. Play as one of four factions, the Communists, Fascists, Liberals, or Socialists, and take over the island to form it in your desired image.

    This game was created out of passion and love for classic strategy board games, as well as the creators' keen interest in Cold War history and the history and culture of Latin America. Backing is needed to pay for manufacturing and distribution of the game.

    How to play

    Leader Cards

    Each faction controls a portion of the island at the start of the game. Each player picks a leader from their faction, which grants a special ability that can shape a player's strategy. This can range from directly stealing your opponent's resources, sabotaging your opponent's plans through espionage, aggressively pushing into enemy territory, out-producing your opponent, and more.

    Every leader offers a completely unique strategy. In general, fascist leaders focus on building and keeping early momentum, socialist leaders seek to outlast their opponents, communist leaders focus on espionage and sabotage, and liberal leaders focus on resource production and management.

    The Map

    Every state on the board has two resource values: Capital and Manpower. Each turn you can choose to either add your states' resources to your resource pool, or use your current resource pool to build partisans, the game's combat unit. States with a combined resource value of five of more (3/2, for example), are considered "urban" while the rest are considered "non-urban." Controlling all urban states or controlling four urban states while having five action cards in your hand will win you the game.

    Action Cards

    These cards grant you bonuses or can be used to weaken your foes. They can take many forms, such as passive bonuses, combat buffs, free resources, and more. Action cards can be acquired in two ways. You can draw action cards once per turn, or you can pay 15 capital to spy on an opponent, meaning they must show you their hand, then choose an action card and give it to you. This is a very powerful ability, because not only does it give you a potentially game-changing boost, it can take one away from your opponents as well.

    Action cards, with a few exceptions, can be played at any time, including during an opponent's turn. That opponent who just attacked you with 4 partisans? You can target him with an action card and destroy three of them. Make sure not to spend all your capital on spying, because certain extra-powerful action cards require you to pay capital in order to play them.


    The combat in this game is similar to that in Risk and other classic war-games. The attacker rolls up to three dice for each attacking unit, while the defender rolls up to two and has an advantage on ties. If combat is going unexpectedly poorly due to a surprise action card or a streak of unending poor rolls, you can choose to retreat, roll a die, and escape safely if you roll a three or higher. If you roll lower, one of your partisans is destroyed.


    Players receive three actions per turn. These include things like invading enemy states, making truces, drawing cards, and spying. Actions are important because they add a new layer of strategy to the game, making it easier to punish an opponent's strategic error, adding new depth to plan around, and more.

    —description from the designer

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