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Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
by Clarendon Games (2018)
Player Count
3 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
15 minutes to 1 hour
  • Bluffing
  • Trivia
  • Mechanisms
  • Voting
  • Rating: 4.5/10 from 2 users


    Bit of a boff or more of a blagger? Poppycock! is the hilarious trivia game that rewards big brains and mischievous mouths. Challenge friends and family as you Poppycock! your way through a series of quiz questions. Unsure of an answer but think you can get away with bluffing? Deceive your opponents until they shout out Poppycock! Clever meets crafty in this tactical game guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

    Choose a player to answer the first question. That player rolls the dice. The player to their right reads them the question from the category shown on the dice. If the dice is blank, the player answering the question may choose whichever category they want. The question, and multiple-choice answers, are read out, without the questioner turning over the card. The answering player must declare whether they know it or don’t know it. If they don’t know it, the turn ends, the questioner turns the card over and reads out the answer, and play continues clockwise. Discard the question card that was used and pass the dice to the next player.

    If they declare they know it, the player must declare how many spaces they are playing for. The player can declare 1, 2, or 3 spaces. This represents how many spaces they will be allowed to move if they get the answer right, or if no one challenges their answer. Additionally, this number represents the number of spaces other players will be allowed to move if they correctly Poppycock! the player answering the question (i.e. if they can determine that the player is trying to bluff). Once the answering player has declared whether they know it, and how many spaces they are playing for, players take turns to say Poppycock! if they do not believe them, or Persuaded! if they do. Starting with the player to the left of the answering player, each player must declare Poppycock! or Persuaded!

    If all players are Persuaded!, the answering player will move their declared number of spaces, without having to provide an answer. If any amount of players shout Poppycock!, an answer must be given by the answering player. This answer is checked by the questioner on the reverse of the card. If the answering player was correct, they move forwards their declared number of spaces, while each poppycock-er moves backwards that number of spaces. If the answering player was incorrect, they go back their declared number of spaces, while each poppycock-er moves forwards the declared number of spaces. When all moves have been resolved, discard the question card that was used and pass the dice to the next player. Proceed in a clockwise direction, with the player to the answering player’s left being the next player to roll the dice and answer a question.

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