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Quest: A New Age
Quest: A New Age
by (Unpublished)
Player Count
1 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
20 minutes
  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Designers
  • David Lindsay
  • Mechanisms
  • Action Point Allowance System
  • Campaign / Battle Card Driven
  • Dice Rolling
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    In Quest: A New Age, the purpose of the game is to take your Adventuring Party into each Dungeon and attempt to complete your assigned Quest Objective. This can be done as a Solo player or with any number of players controlling and arguing over the party members. (I have run one of my D&D groups through it with 8 people as the party)
    Your Adventuring Party is made up of 5 Unique and Specific Classes that must be represented as you begin the game. Each class has a Hero that Begins at Level 1 and can advance up to Level 5 during game play. Most 1st level Heroes need 3xp to advance to level two. 7xp more to advance to level three, 10-15 more to level four, and 18-24 to level five. This depends on the class and individual Hero.
    Here is a list of the 19 Heroes that we have at this time and what they are at each level.
    Protection Class:
    Griff - Journeyman - Fighter - Warrior - Barbarian - Berserker
    Sonya - Wanderer - Explorer - Questing - Paladin - Angel
    Olli - Son of Hamfast - Pikeman - Squire - Knight - Crusader
    Solarion - Footman - Swordsman - Lieutentant - Captain - General
    Death Class:
    Selene - Outlaw - Bandit - Thief - Rogue - Shadow
    Gabriel - Urchin - of the Streets - Minstrel - Bard - Muse
    Grimm - Outlaw - Bandit - Enforcer - Assassin - Reaper
    Sabban - Rebel - Renegade - Deciever - Deserter - Betrayer
    Nature Class:
    Richard - Farmer - Woodsman - Guide - Scout - Ranger
    Isseili - the Fey - Forester - Naturalist - Druid - Warden
    Venr - Awakened - Scavenger - Hungering - Feasting - Vampire
    Magic Class:
    Marteel - Novice - Adept - Wizard - Mage - Archmage
    Callius - Novice - Adept - Cultist - Warlock - Demon
    Zaphian - Underling - Adept - Sorcerer - Necromancer - Lich
    Rymar - Stonehead - Preserved - Protected - Encased - Fortified
    Life Class;
    Dana - Follower - Acolyte - Healer - Priestess - High Priestess
    Jesse - Follower - Acolyte - Brother - Preacher - Martyr
    Sarah - Searching - Enlightened - Forgiving - Redeemed - Guardian Spirit
    Mary - Acolyte - Cleric - Devoted - Blessed - Saint

    The Adventure consists of a 60 card Dungeon, which has one Quest Objective, Terrain, Creatures, Equipment, Effects, Fast Effects, Events, and other Items. There are always two Unigue Tier Creature Cards that can be interchanged after completion of each Tier to make the adventure last longer and become more difficult. The eight Adventures that we have complete are listed below with the amount of games played, completion rate, and Quest Objective.
    Goblin Kingdom - 71/120 60% Goblin King
    Dead Marshes - 58/90 63% Lord of the Undead
    Demonic Rift - 35/63 54% Balor
    Ruby Mountain - 31/64 49% Ancient Red Dragon
    Forsaken City - 25/51 50% King of the Streets
    Nature's Abundance 23/50 46% Ancient Treant
    Dangerous Seas - 21/47 38% Captain Davy Jones
    Tomb Kingdom - 17/50 34% Tomb King
    We are planning on a total of 10 adventures to become available in the future.

    In Quest: A New Age there are Abilities, Upgrades, and four stat Values -- Accuracy, Armor, Life, and Damage.
    Abilities differ for each Hero and Creature according to their assigned value in the game, (e.g. a Goblin Recruit has no abilities and is worth 1 point value, while a Goblin Captain has a value of 3 and grants abilities to other Goblins).
    5 levels of Upgrade are available to each Hero and are earned in the Dungeon as the party delves deeper into the adventure. As you gain XP from Terrain, Trap, and Creature cards, you can spend the XP to make your Heroes stronger.
    Accuracy is the Hero or Creatures base accuracy which you then combine with a roll of a D20 to attempt to hit.
    Armor is the Hero or Creatures base defense against attacks.
    Life is the Hero or Creatures base damage that they can take before dying.
    Damage is the Hero or Creatres base damage they can inflict against another.
    Phases of the Game:
    1) Quest Deck - Turn over the appropiate amount of cards. Fast Effects happen at this time and can change how many cards are turned over.
    2) Effects - Any Effects that are turned over happen at this time.
    3) Hero1 - All Heroes have one action per turn, which can be used to either Attack, Heal, Pick Up and item or attempt to Disarm a trap. The Hero may also Hold their action for Hero2 phase.
    4) Dungeon - Any surviving Creatures may perform one action at this time.
    5) Hero2 - The Heroes that held their action can now act.
    6) Events - Events such as traps that have not been disarmed and other Events take place at this time.
    7) End of Turn - End of Turn abilities such as Regenerate and Aura's take place at this time.
    8) Upgrade - XP that has been collected can now be used to upgrade your Heroes. When a Hero is upgraded they gain full health. Once XP has been spent on a Hero, it cannot be used again.
    Start the Phases over at this time.
    The game begins by shuffling your Quest Deck and turning over three cards. As the game progresses and your Heroes are upgraded, you start to turn over more cards to make the Adventure more difficult. The Breakdown is as follows:
    Game Begins - 3 Cards per turn
    After Two Hero Upgrades - 4 Cards per turn
    After Five Hero Upgrades - 5 Cards per turn
    After Eight Hero Upgrades - 6 Cards per turn
    After Ten Hero Upgrades - 7 Cards per turn
    After Twelve Hero Upgrades - 8 cards per turn

    Rules Questions:
    1) When Attacking you take the Accuracy and add a D20 roll. That roll must equal or beat the targets Armor. You do not have to roll when Healing or using an Ability unless it is used as an attack.
    2) Melee characters cannot target Ranged characters unless all other Melee opponents are defeated.
    3) Rolls of a 1 are considered an Epic Fail and always miss. Rolls of 20 are considered a Critical Strike and always hit, in addition a Critical causes Double damage to the target.
    4) All XP this is collected goes into a community pool which can be used at the direction of the Party's controller or controller's.
    5) As an overall rule: The Cant's outweigh the Can's

    We did a short Demo on youtube which is quite boring but you are free to take a look at the mechanics of the game. :)

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