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Red Hot Silly Peppers
Red Hot Silly Peppers
by Dino (2023)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
10 minutes
  • Card Game
  • Party Game
  • Designers
  • Martin Nedergaard Andersen
  • Mechanisms
  • Speed Matching
  • Artists
  • Jozef Bard Murcko
  • Family
  • Admin: Unreleased Games
  • Rating: 5.76/10 from 5 users


    A festive party full of joy, music and… chillies! Now and then, a hot pepper pops up from the crowd and disappears again. Will you be the fastest to react once the right combination of the chillies is shown?

    A fast-paced observe-and-act card game for the entire family, where the situation is continually changing. The player with the highest number of cards wins.

    How to play?
    Put the three double-sided cards with tasks (coloured edge) within easy reach of all players in the middle of the table.
    Shuffle the remaining cards and deal 12 (16) of them to each player. Players keep their cards face down in a drawing pile in front of them.
    The active player turns their top card and puts it on their discard pile, face up. If one of the conditions shown on the task cards is met, the players try to be the fastest to cover the corresponding task card with their hand.

    The conditions of task cards:
    1. All cards are showing 6 different kinds of chillies (some of them can be represented multiple times but each of them MUST be represented at least once).
    2. At least 5 identical peppers are being shown.
    3. Exactly 2 pairs (2 peppers of one and 2 peppers of another kind) are being shown.

    If multiple conditions are being met at the same time, the first player to cover the highest priority task card wins the round. The player who wins the round chooses and takes any of the discard piles with one of the cards helping to meet the condition on the top. He places these cards at the bottom of his drawing pile.
    The game ends when a player discards the last card from their drawing pile. The player with the highest sum of cards in their drawing pile and their discard pile(s) wins the game.

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