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Reilu Peli
Reilu Peli
by Suomen liikunta ja urheilu SLU
Player Count
2 to 8

Player Ages
  • Sports
  • Educational
  • Mechanisms
  • Voting
  • Storytelling
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    From the box:
    Reilu Peli is an game that will take you whit it. To win the game the whole team needs to aim for the same goal.

    The game is about ethics of sports and they are discussed trough real life situations.

    The most important thing in the game is discussion and solving the cases.

    Points are given on the bases of how well the co-operation of the players went and how well did they solve the case. Everyones effort is important.

    Solving challenging cases helps to form the ethics and rules for your own team or activity group.

    The game ends, afther a winner is found, to a collective end exercise, where common rules are made.

    On the first turn players move on the board by rolling a die. Then they have to pick a card from a same collored deck that the squeare they landed on. Players taskut is to inventointi a solution to a problem on the card. Then everyone else Will decide If they agree or not. The player Will score points for every agreenment, and move forvard for every point. The first player to go araund the board IS the Winner.

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