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Rette die Million!
Rette die Million!
by Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH (2011)
Player Count
2 to 6

Player Ages

Playing Time
45 minutes
  • Trivia
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Rating: 5.88/10 from 15 users


    Rette die Million! is an adaption of the British quiz show "The Million Pound Drop" wherein participants compete in teams of two and start with €1 million in forty bundles of €25,000 each. The two-player team is confronted with two categories and chooses one of them from which to answer a multiple-choice question. The first four questions have four answers, the next three only three answers, and the final question only two answers.

    The guessers must wager all of the money they have on each question, and they can divide their bets on multiple answers if they like – but one answer must have no money applied toward it. They keep whatever money was bet on the correct answer and lose everything else. If they run out of money before all eight questions, they're out of the game.

    In a two-player game, one player is the quizmaster and the other the guesser. When the round ends, they switch places, and the player who keeps the largest sum of money wins. With more than two players, the player split into multiple teams; each team gives answers for one round, one player from another team is the quizmaster, and everyone else hoots and hollers whenever the first team goofs up and loses money.

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