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The All New Brit Quiz Game
The All New Brit Quiz Game
by Crown & Andrews Ltd. (1994)
Player Count
  • Trivia
  • Designers
  • (Uncredited)
  • Mechanisms
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Rating: 4/10 from 2 users


    One (the third(?)) in a series of simple quiz games that require, as the name suggests, knowledge of British trivia...

    Players take turns to roll a die and move that number of spaces round the board. The player then tries to answer a question determined by both the colour of the space he or she lands on, and the actual number rolled on the die. If the question is answered correctly the player moves forwards an additional three spaces as a reward. There is no penalty for getting the answer wrong.

    The question categories are:

    Orange - History & This And That
    Yellow - People
    White - Places
    Green - Showbiz
    Blue - Best of British luck
    Red - Sport
    Brown - Up The Creek

    The questions for Sport, History & This & That, People, Places and Showbiz all require straight answers to a straight forward question.

    The questions for the Best of British luck are in a different format with 6 different types available - Multiple Choice, Odd Man Out, Missing Letters, Anagrams, Whereabouts, and Draw - with the last four of these categories being conducted against a 30 second timer.

    'Up The Creek' is a special category that asks the player to perform an activity rather than answer a question. If the player fails to carry out the activity to the satisfaction of the other players, or refuses to even try, he or she has to move backwards three spaces.

    The winner is the first player to complete a circuit of the track around the board.

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