
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by Professor Puzzle Games (2017)
Player Count
  • Trivia
  • Party Game
  • Deduction
  • Music
  • Movies / TV / Radio theme
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    The big MOVIE NIGHT contains four different games: Charades, Movie Quiz, Soundtrack Quiz and Who Am I?


    BEFORE YOU GET STARTED: Split the players into even teams and make sure you have a pen and paper to record your scores.

    RULES FOR PLAY: Draw a card from the pile. Roll the dice and mime the charade listed next to the number you've rolled. Start the egg timer. Your team must correctly guess the charade you are miming before the egg timer runs out. If they do, your team wins a point. If not, the next team in line can take a guess. If they guess correctly, they take the point.

    Films - Pretend you are cranking an old fashioned movie camera.
    TV - Draw a rectangle with your index finger.
    Books - Pretend to unfold your hands as if they were a book opening.
    Songs - Pretend to sing into a microphone.
    To indicate how many words are in the charade, hold the correct number of fingers against your opposite arm.

    MIMING: To mime is to use only gestures and movements to act out, it does NOT include speaking, mouthing words or verbalising in any form! You may not indicate objects within the place you are playing to help your teammates.

    WINNING THE GAME: The first team to reach 15 points wins.


    BEFORE YOU GET STARTED: Split the players into even teams and make sure you have a pen and paper to record your scores.

    RULES FOR PLAY: The beginning team draws a card, asks the other team a question and starts the egg timer. The players in the team are allowed to confer and must answer the question before the egg timer runs out. 1 point is awarded for each correct answer.

    WINNING THE GAME: The first player or team to reach 15 points is the winner.

    WHO AM I?

    BEFORE YOU GET STARTED: Make sure you have pens and paper to record your scores.

    RULES FOR PLAY: Place the cards face down in a pile. each player picks a card from the pack. Without loking at it, use the headbands provided to secure it so that the other players can clearly see the name on the card. On each card is the name of a famous person, the player becomes that person for the round until they guess their identity. Each player takes turns to ask a question such as, "Am I female?", "Am I alive?", "Did I invent something?", ect. Each player takes turns to ask a question. If the player guesses their identity using 5 question or less, they get 3 points. If they guess using between 6 and 10 questions, they get 2 points. Between 11 and 15 questions gets 1 point and if the player does not guess who they are within 15 questions, they score no points.

    WINNING THE GAME: The first player to reach 15 points wins.

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