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Things From Another World
The Brain Game
The Brain Game
by (Self-Published) (2015)
Player Count

Player Ages
  • Dice
  • Zombies
  • Mechanisms
  • Dice Rolling
  • Family
  • Crowdfunding: Kickstarter
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 6.33/10 from 3 users


    The Brain Game is a fun game that is the creation of 8 year old Orion Jordan. The game is designed to be travel size so you can take it with you anywhere, to be enjoyed at any time. We want to promote spending time with family and friends through gaming and The Brain Game is our way of making that happen.

    The game is simple, easy to learn and fun to play. We think anyone from the age of five or older can learn and play. The base game is set for two players. With two sets you can play with up to 3 or 4 players.

    The goal of the game is to be the first zombie to collect all the brains, but be careful, other zombies will try and steal what you've got while they also collect the brains! Each game can take anywhere from a minute or two or up to ten minutes or more (depending on the number of players). It's designed to be a quick fun boost to your day!

    The game consists of 4 Brain tokens (Red, Blue, Purple and Green); 8 dice (2 Red, 2 Blue, 2 Purple and 2 Green); 4 Character cards to represent the player(s) and an instructions card. The game will come in a box the size of a deck of playing cards to easily fit in your pocket, bag or centre console of your car!

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