
Active Sellers
Things From Another World
Puzzle Master
This is America
This is America
by (Self-Published) (2020)
Player Count

Player Ages

Playing Time
45 minutes to 1 hour
  • Trivia
  • Educational
  • Mechanisms
  • Voting
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Simulation
  • Dice Rolling
  • Area Control / Area Influence
  • Family
  • Country: USA
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    A fantastic and dynamic board game about our great country's history and culture: the objective of the game is to conquer the White House and become President of the United States of America.

    The game's objective consists of one of the players becoming the President of the United States of America. Our game is not as challenging to achieve this as in real life. To win this game, you need to know a variety of information about this country. Therefore, to become the President, you must conquer the states on the map. How do you win a state? Well, simply answering the questions correctly!

    Each State Card has a number. This signifies the number of questions that need to be answered to win that state. who can win the states by answering either 2,3,4 or 5 questions; this depends on each state's size and population. Similar to what happens in the electoral college).

    Next, the player will spin the roulette wheel, and the arrow will indicate the category of the first question to answer. Another player will take the question and read it out loud. If the player who answers the questions gives the correct response, then they will continue answering questions.

    When the necessary questions to win the state are all answered, the state will have been conquered. The player will take one of their chips and will place it in the corresponding state on the board.

    In order to win, you must be the first player to conquer 8 States. All the pieces of the white house have been turned over, and you'll be the President of the United States of America.

    —description from the designer

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