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Things From Another World
Tornado Jack


You are the Mayor of your remote & idyllic township, which faces a severe and imminent tornado threat.
Precautions have been taken, hatches battened down, windows boarded up.
However one serious danger still looms, FLYING COWS!?

Mother Nature is grateful for your townsfolk’s loyalty and may show you mercy in allowing some influence in the direction of the wind.
However...yours is not the only besieged village in the region hoping to escape the wrath of Tornado Jack. Can you outsmart, outmanoeuvre and out-bluff your rival towns and dodge the airborne livestock headed your way?

Game Objective:
As Mayor of their town, each player’s aim is to minimise damage inflicted by flying cows.
A Mayor wins the game if they can successfully keep their town’s damage to 21 or less.
Alternatively, if each town’s damage exceeds a sum of 21, the victorious Mayor will be the one who has acquired the most money (cowhides).

A Game Turn:
Upon their turn, a player completes four steps as part of their action:

  1. choose a card from their hand
  2. select another Mayor to target
  3. decide on bet amount
  4. proclaim out loud the said value of chosen card (either true or false)

The targeted player must now decide...

  1. Take the card and the windfall, or,
  2. Match the bet and pass the card on.

End Game:
The game ends once all seven cards in each Mayor’s hand have been played.
All Mayors will then flip their damage cards face-up & add together to reveal their final score.
If one or more Mayors has successfully kept the damage to 21 or under they will be joint-winners and their towns will recover.
However, if all Mayors have busted (22 or more), everyone will then simultaneously reveal their cowhide stash to decide who the ultimate winner is.

For the most part, bluffing is the main tactics of this game and is by all means encouraged. Feel free to scoff, roll eyes, exclaim, groan, laugh or cry...
However there is just one hard and fast rule, if you are the target of an offer, you MAY NOT reveal or indicate the number on the card.

—description from the designer

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