
Active Sellers
Puzzle Master
Things From Another World
by 1-2-3-Games Éditions (2007)
Player Count
2 to 4

Playing Time
30 minutes
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Bluffing
  • Deduction
  • Designers
  • Patrick Laterrot
  • Family
  • Cirkle Series
  • Rating: 5.25/10 from 4 users


    The game is played on a grid of 9 x 9 squares, each with one of 4 signs (cross, circle, square, triangle) in one of four colours (purple, green, yellow, blue) on it. The 8 pieces are called "totems": statues consisting of four stacked cubes, each separately pivotable, and a sculptured head on top of them. On the four cubes you find the same symbols and colours as on the field.
    Each totem can move on the field with the same sign AND colour like the corresponding cube of his pole (the side facing the player!) as follows: If you want to move one space, your lowest cube must correspond to the space one step away, etc., the topmost to the space four steps away. At every turn each player may either move one of his totems as many spaces as the correct cube corresponds to the target field (he can change directions during his move as often as he wishes) or turn one of the cubes of one of his totems and thus prepare for future moves. There is no capturing.
    The aim of the game is to move first one of your totems from your starting row to the marked "totem space" on the opposite side (2-player version) or on one of three totem spaces on the sides not being your starting row. In the 2-player game, each player owns 4 Totems, in the 4-player variant 2 of them.
    To foresee their opponents` next moves, players have to remember the possibilities of the other totems - more easily done, because before the first move, each player puts the cubes of the opposing Totem into the positions he wants to.
    There is a bluff element, too, as only the player moving knows, whether his move is correct or not. If another player doubts the correctness, he may call "Totem!" and the move is checked. If it was not correct, the challenging player can put all the totems of the disproved player on adjacent spaces of his choice. If the move was correct, the same happens the other way round.

    The game is part of the Series: Cirkle, consisting of corresponding games, all with the same symbols and colours.

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