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Trick'in the grid
Trick'in the grid
by (Web published) (2016)
Player Count
  • Abstract Strategy
  • Designers
  • Richard Hutnik
  • Mechanisms
  • Trick-taking
  • Family
  • Player Count: Two Player Only Games
  • Rating: 0/10 from 0 users


    Trick'in the grid is a trick-taking abstract strategy game that involves capturing cards on a board to play in tricks. It is played with a regular deck of playing cards, and two jokers, and a 4 by 4 grid that has each space holding a card face up.

    The cards are dealt out face up and in the basic game, the players simultaneously look over the board and the first player who places their piece on the board determines the Trump suit by where they place their piece. That player then needs to score more points than their opponent to win the round, or their opponent wins the round. Game can play a set number of rounds or to a set number of points. In the advanced variant of the game (recommended using after players played the game a few times), players would bid points in order to be able to determine Trump, to place their piece first, and also move first.

    The basic play mechanics consist of players moving like a chess rook, not through an enemy piece, and landing on a card to play it. The card the player lands on is removed from the grid and played like it would out of a hand in a regular trick-taking game. After the first player moved, their opponent must move to a card with the same suit as moved to if they can. After this initial move and following by the two players, who won the trick is determined. The player who won the trick then would then move before their opponent, making it possible for a player to get two moves in a row. Player who wins the trick keeps all cards played for trick, and scores them at the end of the round/hand.

    Scoring for a round (cards dealt onto the 4x4 grid), consists of 1 point per trick won. In addition, if a player happened to win more cards in a suit than any other suit they won, the player scores one point for each of the cards in the suit they won of the most cards in. In the case of where a player has had at least two suits tie for the most cards they won in it, then the player doesn't score any bonus points. This score for the round is only used to determine if the player won the round.

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